Ask How, Not Where to View Aurora

Often, people who chase the Northern Lights can become too focused on WHERE to view, not HOW to view Aurora. Little do they know, the “how” is more important.

Upcoming Events in 2024

With a year of public speaking in the books, I’m excited to travel farther and mentor new Aurora Chasers even more in the coming year!

Year in Review 2023

Eat. Sleep. Travel. Repeat. Then chase the Aurora at every opportunity! In our times, I feel very fortunate to live the life I have now, and to share the experience of the Aurora with so many people. It’s an honor to chase our dreams together! Filled with adventure, travel and Northern Lights, here’s a look…

Passion Projects

A creative individual, I draw a lot of inspiration from nature, the night sky, the written word, and the many talented people who cross my path.

“Thirsty for the Marvelous”

“I am so thirsty for the marvelous that only the marvelous has power over me. Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn’t impress me.” — Anaïs Nin

Inspired by Night Sky Myth & Legend

There’s more than one way to tell your story. With a new perspective, this piece shares insight into my adventures as an Aurora Chaser.

Whistling on a Mountain

If one happens to be out alone at night under the Aurora Borealis and hears a whistling sound, one has only to whistle in return, and the lights will come closer out of curiosity.

“Only those who risk going too far can possible find out how far one can go.” — T.S. Eliot

Whimsy & Wanderlust

With so much natural beauty, I’ve always dreamed of traveling the U.S. Now, I hope to turn my dreams into reality, and visit as many national parks as I can.

Pure Michigan

One of my goals in life is to visit as many state parks and national parks as I can. After setting out to travel more in Michigan, I decided to jot down which state parks I’ve visited and try to see them all!